Türk Üroloji Dergisi

- Association of urological nurses (AUN) was established in 2006 and located in Istanbul.
- Aim of the association
In order to provide scientific and technologic development in urological nursing, to be participant in terms of determining assignment, authorization, and responsibilities of urological nurses, to protect juristically and copyrights of UNs along with supporting solidarity and communication among UN.
- Goals of the association :
- To found and perform studies relevant to UN, support proper studies as well.
- To monitorize all national and international developments relevant to UN, take benefits of the results of those, collect and evaluate statistical acknowledges.
- To introduce national and international conferences, congresses and meeting and to participate via a representative of the association.
- To actualize meetings, seminars, congress, conferences, exhibitions etc. which relevant to aim of AUN.
- To be participant in terms of determining assignment, authorization, and responsibilities of urological nurses.
- In order to increase the qualification level of nursing care in urology clinics to propose to health authorities and relevant institutions.
- In order to improve urological nursing provide possibilities of training program for urological nurses.
- To publish issues relevant to UN, provide collaboration between official institutions, private companies and media.
- Perform social activities to improve solidarity among UN such as trips, receptions, entertainments etc.
- To monitorize both national and international literatures of medicine and nursing and create data bank
- To establish federation with national and/or international associations which are established on similar aims and, join other existent association as participant.
- Accordance with regulations and law codes of associations, and in foreseen order and circumstances of those mentioned regulations and law to perform meetings, studies with relevant foreign associations and invite master guests from abroad.
- To perform training programme on purpose of public health.
- Members of the administration board of the association (2006-2009)
- Representative of EAUN :
- Contact info:
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